Minnesota Legit
Minnesota Legit is a collective of diverse local glass artists working to create a transcendent
experience for aficionados and casual fans alike.
For over 16 years we have been working with borosilicate glass to fabricate custom pieces,
restore the fallen to their former glory, and follow our muse into your personal collection,
and hopefully your heart.
We began as independent artists and technicians, converged in a 400 square foot studio,
and have since expanded into the legendary 7000 square foot Stone Arch Glass Studio
in NE Minneapolis, where we currently reside.
We offer hands on classes to a new generation of glassblowers, we’ve developed a
line of accessories beyond glass, and we’ve even started growing our own…
but we have never lost sight of what matters most, forever enshrined in our company motto:
“It Ain’t Shit, Unless It’s LEGIT!”