Free money: Reduce cap-ex & op-ex with rebates
Free money: Reduce cap-ex & op-ex with rebates
This seminar will examine why cultivators should pursue comprehensive energy rebates and incentives. Not only do rebates reduce businesses’ capital expenditure, they also limit operational costs once more sustainable, efficient equipment is installed. Attendees can expect a high-level analysis of rebate programs in Minnesota and how to enhance rebate value. Attendees will learn how to adhere to policies and identify significant opportunities that translate to both capital & operational savings.

Dylan Collins
Free money: Reduce cap-ex & op-ex with rebates
Dylan Collins is the CEO of Green Rebates, a leading rebate and incentive management company specializing in the horticulture industry. Under Collins’s leadership, Green Rebates offers a comprehensive solution to the rebate process, bridging the energy efficiency incentive gap between businesses, suppliers and utilities. By engaging with each stakeholder group, Collins drives untapped value for cultivators, their investors and utility partners.