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      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp

      As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Get ready for your investor roadshow by understanding what lenders want. We’ll discuss the outlook on market capital, top concerns of investors, legal and funding structures, the five keys to raising capital, and why proper accounting from day 1 is so important.

      Sardoni Headshot e5706de7

      John Sardoni

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp
      John is a tenured CPA with experience in the fields of audit, accounting, financing, and tax. After spending 20 years assisting clients with profit planning, tax planning, and cash flow management, John has decided to focus his attention on the cannabis industry. As a DOPE CFO Certified Advisor, he actively works with clients to break down their businesses to develop and track key performance indicators (KPIs) that are crucial to their success.
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      Cassidy McFarland

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp
      For over fifteen years Cassidy has served the banking industry with his expertise in finance and data analysis. As a CPA working in the corporate and banking sectors, he saw an increasing need in the Cannabis industy for trustworthy accounting services. His passion for Cannabis culture and moving the movement forward led him to exclusively serve the Cannabis market.
      Heather LaFoon Headshot 1 scaled 9a8d824c

      Heather LaFoon

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp
      Heather’s education and 20-plus years of experience include work in forensic accounting, tax preparation, and the IT industry- focusing on project management and process improvement. She loves a good puzzle, whether a jigsaw puzzle or a set of messy books. Her number #1 focus is to help Clients grow their businesses and provide world-class service while doing it.
      Brenda Bader Headshot 7d751c55

      Brenda Bader

      Keys to Raising and Deploying Capital in Cannabis
      Brenda brings 30+ years of experience and 4 years of Cannabis accounting and CFO work, Controller, and accounting experience across multiple sectors including syndicated USDA property management, and international construction accounting in Jamaica. She is successful at revamping and strengthening controls, reorganizing processes, and simplifying procedures to maximize the efficiency and accuracy of accounting records including budgets, payroll, invoicing, and all other accounting functions.