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      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp

      As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Get ready for your investor roadshow by understanding what lenders want. We’ll discuss the outlook on market capital, top concerns of investors, legal and funding structures, the five keys to raising capital, and why proper accounting from day 1 is so important.

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      Cassidy McFarland

      Keys to Raising Capital in Cannabis and CBD/Hemp
      For over fifteen years Cassidy has served the banking industry with his expertise in finance and data analysis. As a CPA working in the corporate and banking sectors, he saw an increasing need in the Cannabis industy for trustworthy accounting services. His passion for Cannabis culture and moving the movement forward led him to exclusively serve the Cannabis market.
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      Chad Cater

      Keys to Raising and Deploying Capital in Cannabis
      Chad is the founder and President of 7 Leaf CFOs, a cannabis focused accounting and business advisory firm. Chad has over 26 years of accounting experience including Big 4 public accounting and heading corporate financial operations, in a variety of industries, as both Controller and CFO.