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      Make it or Break It: Tips on How to Survive

      Make it or Break It: Tips on How to Survive

      So you’ve started your cannabis business, now what? Growing cannabis is the easiest piece of the pie, but how you manage: finances, HR, hiring, state and federal regulations, scalability, branding, inventory supply, industry connections, and taxes are the pieces that will break you. These are the non-glamorous components most don’t plan for and yet they are the ones that take down companies. Learn how we’ve been able to tackle these head on to survive and thrive in this tumultuous industry.

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      Brett Emmert

      Make it or Break It: Tips on How to Survive
      Brett has over 20 years experience in agriculture. He started his career in wheat farming and has transferred his knowledge of production agricultural to the cannabis industry. From engineering autofeed and watering systems to designing and building programs that maximize productivity and yield. Brett leads the operations side of WithitWeed, which primarily focused on growing, harvesting, maintenance, construction, HR and Finance. He’s a jack of all trades.
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      Mark Collins

      Make it or Break It: Tips on How to Survive
      Mark served in the Army and then went on to get his degree in education. This experience has fueled his entrepreneurial spirit and desire to make positive changes in our legislature, particularly around cannabis. His outgoing personality and enthusiasm for cannabis makes him the perfect COO of Sales/Marketing for WithItWeed. Mark is a brand master, ensuring our brand is meeting the needs and expectations of our markets and customers.