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      Navigating MN Labor Law and Preventing Labor Trafficking

      Navigating MN Labor Law and Preventing Labor Trafficking

      Minnesota’s Department of Labor and Industry and Department of Health will provide new cannabis industry employers information about recent labor law changes, including sick leave, wage payment requirements, and others. The session will address labor trafficking and exploitation, issues that have been tied to cannabis employers in other states. Attend to ensure your business stays compliant and supports a fair and safe workplace for employees.

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      Alanna Galloway

      Navigating MN Labor Law and Preventing Labor Trafficking
      Alanna Galloway (she/her/hers) is an Education and Engagement Specialist at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, dedicated to outreach to Minnesota workers and employers to raise awareness of Minnesota’s labor laws. Passionate about community activism and promoting labor rights and equity, Alanna has experience organizing events, leading training sessions, and facilitating impactful discussions on various labor and equity related issues with diverse communities.
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      Caroline Palmer

      Navigating MN Labor Law and Preventing Labor Trafficking
      Caroline Palmer is the Safe Harbor Director at the Minnesota Department of Health. Her focus is on building cross-disciplinary collaboration across government and private sectors on behalf of survivors of human trafficking. She is responsible for policy development, grantee oversight, project management, and data/evaluation management. Before joining MDH, Palmer held positions with the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the Minnesota State Bar Association and the Minnesota AIDS Project.