Navigating Through the Complexities of Risk Management & Insurance
Navigating Through the Complexities of Risk Management & Insurance
The insurance industry is constantly evolving in an effort to provide protection for both early stage and established cannabis companies. Quantifying risks, analyzing exposures, recommending controls, and finding competitive risk transfer solutions in a non-standard insurance market is a critical component in the cannabis industry today. Navigating through these complexities with a strong risk management plan can pay dividends for your business in the long run.
Jim Mattson
Navigating Through the Complexities of Risk Management & Insurance
Since 1990, Jim Mattson has held loss control positions with insurance carriers, agencies, and large corporations. His approach is to understand company operations, management, and culture. This knowledge provides assistance for clients to build on their success through risk mitigation and transfer, establishing procedures, training, and monitoring for success. Jim has worked with some of Michigan’s largest grow & retail cannabis firms to provide safety, risk management, and security strategies.