No One Grows Alone: The Sales Approach that Can Save Cannabis Business
No One Grows Alone: The Sales Approach that Can Save Cannabis Business
While the stigma around cannabis is breaking, the stigmas inside the industry hold businesses back. Francesca shares an elevated mindset and practical applications that take companies from surviving to thriving. How? By making professional sales the second priority in their business. She challenges the status quo of current sales models and shows the audience how to improve revenues immediately, strengthen brand identity, and build long term success.
Francesca Vavala
No One Grows Alone: The Sales Approach that Can Save Cannabis Business
Francesca is the President of The Sales Joint, a sales agency that helps bring professional sales strategies, tools, and best practices to the cannabis industry on behalf of cannabis producers. With a background in education and sales, she believes that an effective, strong sales cycle is tied to better patient care as well as better business. Her team’s five years of national sales success is rooted in her company’s core philosophy, “no one grows alone.”