Optimizing Plant Health & Quality with AI
Optimizing Plant Health & Quality with AI
Growers contend with multiple issues related to the healthy growth of their plants. Collecting data about your plants can provide immediate benefits that improve quality and increase yields as well as put you on the path to utilize AI tools to continue to improve grow operations. Potential projects where AI can be deployed in the grow environment will also be discussed.

Jay Andersen
Optimizing Plant Health & Quality with AI
Jay is Co-Founder and COO of Ornavera, a Precision Agriculture company that assists growers to improve crop yield, plant quality and resources used.
Jay’s career includes executive roles with private equity owned companies and over 30 years with Motorola and Intel’s IoT Group. He has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Northern Colorado. In addition, Jay is an active Advisor assisting start-up programs associated with CU- Boulder, CSU- Ft. Collins and at Innosphere as a SAGE advisor.