Post Harvest Environments – Busting Myths, Taking Control, And Improving Profitability
Post Harvest Environments – Busting Myths, Taking Control, And Improving Profitability
Post harvest is often an afterthought when planning a new facility and working in existing spaces. We struggle with variable climates and seasonal shifts. The key to controlling post-harvest is gaining an understanding of the physics at work in the drying, curing, and storage space. When we understand the relationship between temperature, dew point, and relative humidity we have the foundation on which to build and operate a sound post-harvest environment. We’ll take a deep dive into the physics.

Ed Wells
Post Harvest Environments – Busting Myths, Taking Control, And Improving Profitability
Ed Wells is a leading industry expert on cannabis post-harvest environmental control, and he takes great pride in helping cultivators dial in their processes to create superior cannabis products. A veteran of the HVAC industry, Ed’s knowledge of facility operations and systems guides his work at Cannatrol and is a critical aspect of the company’s high degree of customer satisfaction and retention. A Vermont native, Ed still calls the Green Mountain State home and enjoys golfing and being outdoors