Texas A&M Agriculture and Growing Hemp in Texas
Texas A&M Agriculture and Growing Hemp in Texas
Texas A&M AgriLife initiated hemp programming in 2019 and research in 2020. At least 14 Texas A&M faculty across the state are engaged in hemp research and education. Dr. Trostle will outline early research and education efforts. He will discuss a realistic assessment for cannabinoid, fiber, and grain hemp from the view of Texas A&M and our clientele. This includes pragmatic thinking about hemp in Texas and early issues encountered in field hemp production.
Calvin Trostle
Dr. Calvin Trostle helps farmers in west Texas and beyond grow their crops in frequent drought. He is often known as ‘the non-cotton guy,’ conducting research and education programs in grain sorghum, wheat, sunflower, forages, guar, and alternative crops. Based in Lubbock, he also serves Texas A&M AgriLife and Texans as state hemp specialist. Calvin is a faculty member of Texas A&M Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences. He writes monthly on hemp and hosts a “First Tuesday” AgriLife hemp Zoom update.