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      The Hemplime Building Industry

      The Hemplime Building Industry

      My presentation would go over a present over view of the hemplime industry or Hempcrete building industry. I train builders around the USA and we source the best hemplime building materials from around the world. We have hemplime mixing machines for the construction site. My company and associates have 30 years experience that we would like to share with the USA. I am from Houston originally and have set out to make hemplime building a standardized industry in the USA.


      Finlay Sabin

      My name is Finlay Sabin and I am the Partner of Hemp Eco Systems USA. I am partnered with a Hemp Eco Systems Switzerland. We have been building and renovating with Hemplime for the past 30 years. We hold patents on mixing hemp with hydrated lime and we also have a patented binder called HES Plus which is 100% Natural and non-toxic and has scientific backed research to be proven to sequester carbon dioxide. I am based in the Pacific Northwest and I hold educational workshops on Hemplime building.