The new frontier of cannabiosciences
The new frontier of cannabiosciences
A growing crossover segment of states are now legalizing cannabis alongside their established industrial hemp programs. What does this mean for the opportunities in industrial hemp, and R&D in the cannabiosciences? Meet Shira Adler, Founder, Pres. & CEO of a newly launching crossover agritech company who will explore the emerging markets, and discuss eco-advancements we will all benefit from as the still nascent industry unfolds and stabilizes.

Shira Adler
Shira Adler is hailed as a Pioneer in the cannabinoid space. Shira developed a first in class product series utilizing a unique delivery method holistic lifestyle product series. Shira is also a highly vetted speaker, media wellness personality, acclaimed author of “The ABCs of CBD: The Essential Guide” and will be launching her new agritech company (EcoSynergy) in the SW. Shira is passionately dedicated to advancing eco-innovations in the cannabiosciences, tech, & sustainability sectors.