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      Catch Me if You Cannabis -Legit Cannabis Payments – Seek & You Shall Find

      Catch Me if You Cannabis -Legit Cannabis Payments – Seek & You Shall Find

      Engage in an unfiltered discussion shedding light on the current industry hurdles and dispelling misconceptions surrounding cannabis-related payments. Leveraging his extensive expertise in banking, compliance, and anti-money laundering, Robert will present a blend of factual information and firsthand observations gathered throughout his decade-long involvement with diverse payment solutions in the cannabis sector.

      Robert Casares Head Shot 88945a22

      Robert Casares

      Catch Me if You Cannabis -Legit Cannabis Payments – Seek & You Shall Find
      Robert Casares is the Chief Risk and Compliance Officer for Bankcard International Group, a high-risk merchant services company based in Vancouver, WA. Robert is a former banker and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) with 9 years of cannabis industry experience. Robert has been educating bankers on how to compliantly service the cannabis industry. His focus has shifted to payments where his objective is to educate bankers and cannabis retailers about the various payment types.