There’s So Much Cash! Best Practices for Securing, Automating and Managing Your Cash Handling
There’s So Much Cash! Best Practices for Securing, Automating and Managing Your Cash Handling
Industrywide, its estimated that between 95 and 99% of all cannabis-related transactions are carried out in cash. There isn’t one reason why this is the case, rather it’s a trifecta of causes legal, financial and social. Until all three of those are relaxed, cash volumes will continue to pour into the cannabis space. This session will share insights into how the industry can benefit from the idea of cash automation or leveraging technology to better manage, count, and store cash.

Shawn Kruger
The Cannabis Cash Conundrum: Best Practices for Success in Automating and Managing Your Cash Handling
Shawn Kruger, Senior Vice President of marketing and strategy at Avivatech, has more than 35 years of experience in the real estate, payments and fintech industries, Kruger’s knowledge runs deep on topics related to: cash and check payments automation, financial services operations, business development of partner relationships, strategic management consulting, product management, product marketing, user experience design, corporate strategy, and sales for new and existing product lines.