What to Do (and Not to Do) When Preparing to Apply for a Mississippi Cannabis Business License
What to Do (and Not to Do) When Preparing to Apply for a Mississippi Cannabis Business License
Entrepreneurs, is your business ready for cannabis business licensing in Mississippi? From forming a strong team and finding investors, to acquiring a suitable location and engaging with your community, the long road to receiving a cannabis license can be daunting. Attend this session for helpful tips to get you on the path to success, including examples of common mistakes applicants make in new cannabis markets.
Sally Kent Peebles
What to Do (and Not to Do) When Preparing to Apply for a Mississippi Cannabis Business License
Sally Kent Peebles is a partner at leading national cannabis law firm Vicente Sederberg LLP, where she focuses on corporate law, commercial real estate, cannabis regulatory matters, and hemp. Since 2019, Sally has been a member of the FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Medical Cannabis Advisory Committee, where she serves as co-chair. In 2021, she co-founded the nonprofit organization, WISE Florida, which aims to build support for legalizing cannabis for adult use in Florida.