How to Build Your Professional Network as a New Budtender at Lucky Leaf Expo
No man is an island. If you want to grow your cannabis business to the next level, you can’t do it alone. Resourceful connections are necessary to help secure your investment, especially now that the cannabis industry is so competitive. The return of outdoor activities is an opportunity to attend conferences and exhibitions and expand your business circle. At the Lucky Leaf Expo, you’ll access peers and other industry leaders and acquire a lifetime of networking skillsets.
Read on to find out the best ways to make the most of your experience at this life-changing event.
Why Expos Are the Perfect Platform to Build a Professional Network
Hundreds of people attend cannabis expos across the country throughout the year. Such events contribute to the progression of the cannabis industry in states such as Detroit, to name a few. Some of the reasons why attending the Lucky Leaf Expo is worth the while include:
Networking Opportunities
Do you want to expand your business network beyond the handful of people you know? The Lucky Leaf Expo hosts hundreds of self-driven budtenders looking to grow their cannabis business with whom you can share an idea or two. On top of that, you can interact with some of the industry leaders and tap into their knowledge on particular cannabis subjects.
Capture New Industry Trends
With technology constantly changing every nook and cranny in the cannabis industry, you must stay updated on the latest innovations to succeed as a budtender. Part of this expo’s core purpose is to address both positive and negative industry changes so that cannabis growers and sellers can make informed business choices going forward. The keynote speakers also touch on contentious topics that may be uncertain to some attendees.
Physically View Products
Hearing about cannabis products and innovations isn’t enough. If you want to better insight into industry developments, you must see the products in action in real-time. The Lucky Leaf Expo showcases different cannabis strains and technological innovations recently adopted in the industry. As an attendee, you get to view demonstrations firsthand such that you can smell, see, test, and compare products.
Generate New Leads
Although this expo focuses on impacting industry knowledge, attendees also get the chance to interact with each other. You can use this time to market your business to potential clients, whether to other companies (B2B) or directly to customers (B2C) in attendance.
Provide Content for Your Audience
If you have a business website or official social media accounts, this expo could be an opportunity to keep your audience engaged on these platforms. People love consuming visual content, and as research shows, it makes them more interactive. Share exciting videos and pictures while at Lucky Leaf Expo on your profiles so your audience feels like they were part of the event.

Tips for Successfully Networking at the Lucky Leaf Expo
The Lucky Leaf Expo has all you need to successfully grow your cannabis business, provided you can take advantage of the opportunities available to you. Some of the ways to ensure you make the most of your time at the event are:
Define Your Bottom Line
You can’t go to the Lucky Leaf Expo expecting to accomplish many tasks, as you may not have the chance to do half of them. The event is scheduled such that attendees only get a small window to interact with each other and their leaders.
Instead, be clear on the goals you hope to accomplish at the expo. Select two tasks, at maximum, to be your primary objective during the event for better chances of success. For example, you can set a goal of getting as many business contacts as possible and determine ways to achieve that.
Know the Event Attendees
Who will make up the majority of the attendees? Follow the event organizers on social media to get updates on the expo, such as the main speakers. Also, find out the list of people in attendance and the business demographic they represent.
If many are cannabis business owners, write down which of your products and services could benefit them, then craft an irresistible value proposition to present to them.
Arrive at the Venue on Time
As mentioned earlier, you have little time to network once the event begins, as it follows a set chronological order. The best time to interact with your target audience at the expo is before the program officially begins.
Attendees who arrive on time at the Lucky Leaf Expo get a brief one-on-one session. Brands also gather in small groups during this period to get to know each other better and talk about ways they can partner or grow together.
Be Respectful
While confidence is critical for a new budtender at an event of this magnitude, it helps to approach other attendees with decorum. Don’t make the conversation all about you and your business. Instead, make each discussion a two-way topic so that the parties involved can feel comfortable.
Maintain proper communication skills when talking to each brand or individual. Have the courtesy to say “excuse me” and “thank you for your time.” Also, maintain eye contact with every attendee you converse with.
Share Your Business Contact
People only remember what they hear. So once you strike up meaningful conversations with different attendees, leave them with information about your business and how to reach you if they have questions or want to book an appointment.
A business card is the most appropriate item to leave with those you have had contact with. Ensure it’s simple and elegant with just enough information about your business to create curiosity. Remember, a business card makes you look more professional in front of your core audience.
Follow Up
Conversations that begin at the Lucky Leaf Expo should end there. Make sure you follow up with everyone you connected with, especially those who showed keener interest while at the venue. You can do this through professional platforms such as LinkedIn or email.
Don’t Miss the Luck Leafy Expo
If you want to dine with the kings, wash your hands. The same can be said for new budtenders looking to grow their cannabis career. Rest assured that the Lucky Leafy Expo has all the connections you’ll need to grow as a budtender, so use these tips to bring your A-game. Don’t forget to secure your ticket to the Lucky Leafy Expo 2022 now. Limited slots remaining.