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      Jonathon Leach

      By Jonathon Leach, |

      Hops Latent Viroid is a disease that infects cannabis and hops plants. Cannabis plants infected with HLVd can have reduced flower and THC production. HLVd is very difficult to eliminate once it has infected a plant and is becoming a prevalent issue in the cannabis industry. This presentation will describe how the viroid infects plants, how it is tested for, and provide best practices for preventing infection.

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      Jonathon Leach


      Presentation Abstract:

      Bart Eller

      By Bart Eller, |

      Bart combines the research of regenerative soil science pioneers like Dr. William Albrecht, Dr. Elaine Ingham, and Dr. Kristin Nichols into a practice that is uniquely his own. Soil microbes are critical to the process but anyone familiar with cultivating hemp plants knows they can consume more nutrients than almost any other crop. Because of this, it is crucial to overall plant health and yield to introduce the right amount of mineral nutrition, in the proper ratios, into the soil before planting.

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      Bart Eller


      Presentation Abstract:

      Sadie Thompson

      By Sadie Thompson, |

      With the ever-changing media landscape, the highly competitive cannabis industry, and advertising and marketing restrictions put on the cannabis industry, PR can be leveraged to propel cannabis entrepreneurs and businesses to the next level. In this presentation, attendees will receive a high-level overview of the differences in B2B and B2C communications strategies, the importance of tying all messaging back to a campaign, and how businesses of all levels can immediately start planning and implementing.

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      Sadie Thompson


      Presentation Abstract:

      Kevin Anderson

      By Kevin Anderson, |

      A Better Way To Do Business covers multiple options for business owners to save time, money, and hassles through outsourcing professional services to providers that are experts in their field. PEOs, HROs, ASOs, marketing consultants, remote CFOs, attorneys, CPAs, and cannabis consulting groups will all be touched on through the presentation as to gain an understanding of what they have to offer and the benefits of using these resources for your business.

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      Kevin Anderson


      Presentation Abstract:

      Sandy Li

      By Sandy Li, |

      As cannabis matures, the roles within businesses are evolving, too. The challenges for today’s cannabis CFO are often made more difficult due to the industry’s ongoing lack of available data, the ongoing dearth of access to capital and the difficulty of attracting top talent. In this presentation, Wana Brands’ CFO Sandy Li will provide an overview of how the CFO role has changed in the industry, the biggest financial management challenges and how companies will evolve with industry expansion.

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      Sandy Li


      Presentation Abstract:

      James Nechleba

      By James Nechleba, |

      Understanding complex cannabis regulations is key to success. Local rules create biggest roadblocks. New Mexico localities control where businesses can operate & how they should look. Cannabusinesses also need to consider commercial water rights. Attend session with regulatory attorney for deep-dive into local regulations & tips for success.

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      James Nechleba


      Presentation Abstract:

      Kurt Kinneman

      By Kurt Kinneman, |

      The presentation on automation in cannabis will explore the role of technology in enhancing the efficiency, productivity, and sustainability of growing and extracting cannabis. It will cover the different types of automation technologies used in growing and extracting, including PLCs, microprocessors, sensors, and equipment that can be controlled.

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      Kurt Kinneman


      Presentation Abstract:

      Brian Staffa

      By Brian Staffa, |

      With 13 years in commercial cannabis, executive operator Brian Staffa discusses the plethora of decisions that need to be proactively made at foundational stages of launching a cultivation operation. This zero-fluff talk covers more than 90 rapid-fire, sequential questions. It sheds light on common blind spots, explains when and why you need to care about various intricacies at each stage of the process, and helps you understand the consequences of overlooking or bypassing these considerations.

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      Brian Staffa


      Presentation Abstract:

      Justin Sanchez

      By Justin Sanchez, |

      As cultivations grow in size and demand, unfortunately so does the amount of waste. Now is the time to start thinking of the future of agriculture and how to focus on sustainable grows along with the safety of our staff and consumers. As states increase regulations and product testing, this is going to increase pressure on growers to produce safe, high-quality products.

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      Justin Sanchez


      Presentation Abstract:

      Max Juhasz

      By Max Juhasz, |

      Marketing cannabis can seem overwhelming if you don’t know what you are doing. This presentation will go over what works, what doesn’t work and what will be a total waste of money. Avoid the pitfalls and shiny objects that end up costing you more than what you see in return. Bring a notebook and ask questions.

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      Max Juhasz


      Presentation Abstract:

      Luke Batty

      By Luke Batty, |

      While cannabis products must be manufactured and sold within the respective legal jurisdiction, brand equity is an asset that can cross state lines. Brand licensing enables operators to offer established brands and products, building value for those brands in multiple states as well as goodwill for local operators with their customers. However, any license arrangement should be well documented to protect the respective interests of licensees and licensors. Often, cannabis license relationships are poorly memorialized by documents kludged together after digital dumpster diving ripe for ambiguity and conflict. This seminar will help both new and mature brands, manufacturers, and dispensary operators understand the fundamentals of a brand licensing relationship, including summarizing the different assets that can be licensed across state lines and identify the key provisions to avoid contentious and expensive disputes. This seminar will prepare brands and their licensee partners to develop solid business models and legal agreements that protect their interests. Attendees will leave this seminar armed with a solid understanding of the core elements required to build such a relationship while avoiding common and painful (i.e., expensive) mistakes.

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      Luke Batty


      Presentation Abstract:

      Seth Gardenswartz

      By Seth Gardenswartz, |

      This seminar will help aspiring multistate cannabis brands, manufacturers, and dispensary operators understand the fundamentals of a brand licensing relationship. We will summarize the different assets that can be licensed across state lines and identify the key provisions that may avoid contentious and expensive disputes. This seminar will prepare brands and their licensee partners to develop solid business models and legal agreements that protect their interests. Attendees will leave this seminar armed with a solid understanding of the core elements required to build such a relationship while avoiding common and painful (i.e., expensive) mistakes.

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      Seth Gardenswartz


      Presentation Abstract:

      Scott Wall

      By Scott Wall, |

      What is plant sap analysis? How is it different from dry tissue analysis? How and when do you collect samples for submission to a plant sap laboratory? How do you read a plant sap report and interpret the data? And most importantly how do you make management decisions from that data? All this will be addressed in a rapid fast passed presentation

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      Scott Wall


      Presentation Abstract:

      Rose Taylor

      By Rose Taylor, |

      During this presentation we will go over how different entities are treated for tax purposes, taking into account IRC 280E. The audience will walk away with an understanding of different entity types, their tax treatment, and a checklist of things they need to consider when choosing their entity. This is important for business owners, investors, partners, and future investors. The audience will also have a foundational understanding of what is cost of goods sold as it pertains to IRC 280E.

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      Rose Taylor


      Presentation Abstract:

      Kenya Alexander

      By Kenya Alexander, |

      Sales tax, excise tax, payroll tax, income tax… so many taxes! Not only do cannabis business owners need to be aware of the federal tax laws, but also the state requirements. State tax requirements are just as important (if not more) as federal taxes because one slip-up could cost you your license.

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      Kenya Alexander


      Presentation Abstract:

      Sonya Moreno

      By Sonya Moreno, |

      While this is an extremely important issue to help cannabis business owners to not only save money on their federal tax return but also ensure they are protected in the event of a federal tax audit, there are some more immediate priorities that your cannabis accountant should understand in order to ensure you are able to maintain your state issued license.

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      Sonya Moreno


      Presentation Abstract:

      Kady Cravens

      By Kady Cravens, |

      When your business is in the Cannabis industry, compliance with the regulations is the bottom line to keeping the doors open.
      So why are there still so many facilities that are operating without SOP practices in place?

      Today, we will take a closer look at the benefits of having a thorough SOP, what can happen when you don’t have an SOP in place and some solutions to get you started on your journey to full compliance today.

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      Kady Cravens


      Presentation Abstract:

      Jenny Germano

      By Jenny Germano, |

      It’s important more than ever to ensure there is a strong foundation for compliance in place, as newly awarded licensed operators enter the adult-use cannabis market. Whether you have been awarded a license, or are an existing operator or thinking about entering the market, Compliance is one of the most important factors when it comes to running a successful business under the regulatory microscope.

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      Jenny Germano


      Presentation Abstract:

      Derek Stucki

      By Derek Stucki, |

      Odor is the industry’s biggest public-facing problem – and we are not winning. We will define the current challenge and look at the coming regulatory impact on odor control. A deep dive into why people complain about odor and why it’s complicated is next. Explore available odor control technologies and see what’s working and what’s not. Understand the science of odor elimination. Leave attendees with a clear understanding of challenges and solutions around cannabis odor.

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      Derek Stucki


      Presentation Abstract:

      Rick Rainbolt

      By Rick Rainbolt, |

      Learn the fundamentals and the pitfalls to avoid in developing a premium exotic flower grow facility and operation. Learn about facility development starting with selecting the correct property, the type of facility to build, how to precisely control the environment, and setting up a perpetual rotation and cultivation program. We’ll cover the (1) Facility (2) Genetics (3) Cultivation. Learn the 3 fundamentals for success in the premium exotic flower niche, the 5 fundamentals to building a premium exotic flower facility, how to set up the facility for perpetual rotation for monthly harvest and how to set up the facility to properly interact with genetics and cultivation.

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      Rick Rainbolt


      Presentation Abstract:

      Justin Esquivel

      By Justin Esquivel, |

      Take a deep dive into why stable genetics are so important and how you can implement tissue culture into any size cultivation canopy. This will educate & teach the grower how to achieve frosty & flavorful buds time after time! Learn about how to keep your crop bacteria & pest free from start to finish! Become aware of the greatest and most advanced tricks that can be implemented in home or commercial cultivation to achieve exotic premium buds. Understand what to look for when choosing the genetics that you will be cultivating under your BRAND. Once it’s out there, you can’t take it back! The cream always rises to the top!

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      Justin Esquivel


      Presentation Abstract:

      Joseph Zahaitis

      By Joseph Zahaitis, |

      – Current state of cannabis payments (Best Practices do’s and don’ts)
      – Payment considerations (things to watch out for)
      – Payment considerations (things to LOOK for)
      – Simple banking considerations (some more do’s and don’ts)
      – Crypto
      – Wallets
      – Credit Cards

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      Joseph Zahaitis


      Presentation Abstract:

      Teresa Kearney

      By Teresa Kearney, |

      For those knowledgeable in cannabis but not as strong in back office practices, this session is for you. Learn the simple processes that will keep you legally compliant and help your cannabis business run smoothly. Often overlooked, Payroll, HR and Timekeeping can drive your business to success or failure. Learn the essentials from a payroll professional. Teresa will discuss 1099 vs. W2, employee handbooks and job descriptions, HR/OSHA compliance and more.

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      Teresa Kearney


      Presentation Abstract: